TL;DR: Now is the time to try something better than what you have done before. Each day, try something better, and over time, you will notice big changes. As I sat in this brilliant student’s IEP meeting, I couldn’t believe what I heard. I had to consciously control my facial expressions. I was shocked and frustrated. Not at the student … Read More
Smile…and the Whole World Smiles With You
TL;DR: Being a great speaker is all in the delivery. But it’s not just how you speak, it’s about what you say. Build connections with students and earn their respect by giving a smile, being real, and valuing the time you have with them. You may not always have an influence on students right away. Sometimes they don’t come around … Read More
Think Better: Where Do I Begin?
TL;DR: Introduction to a new series: Think Better. Understanding that our thoughts are powerful and have meaning can provide many benefits to educators. Think better by understanding how growth happens, not overanalyzing, and focusing on today. What does it mean to think better? Through my lens, it means using our thoughts to propel us forward instead of holding us back. … Read More
Finding the Slack to Unlock Upstream Thinking
TL;DR: Reflecting on a book study of Upstream: How to Solve Problems Before They Happen by Dan Heath, and the educational impacts of the book. Upstream thinking involves addressing problems before they even begin. When we focus all of our attention and energy on the problems right in front of us, our ability to plan and organize is diminished. Instead … Read More
Data Collection: The Simple + Easy Way
TL;DR: Data collection helps us make informed decisions for our students. Collaborating with a team to use data effectively is a powerful tool to guide our decisions. The steps for data collection include: understanding the why, collecting the data, checking in with the team, then analyzing and sharing the results. Data, as I’ve come to learn, is one of those … Read More