TL;DR: Some implementation strategies for The Grid Method include starting small and having a supportive network of colleagues to lean on. Allow students and stakeholders time to process this shift in your classroom and allow opportunities for them to provide feedback. With any new idea in the classroom, we must think through all of the details. Sometimes I feel like … Read More
Do you have any tips for creating a Grid?
TL;DR: A grid is a full unit and can evaluate a standard, a group of standards, a target, or a key idea. Consider your assessment before fully creating a Grid. Think of each box as a lesson plan. Find the right spot for Teacher Checks with your Grid. The Grid Method can help promote student ownership of their learning and … Read More
How do I introduce the Grid to my students & stakeholders?
TL;DR: Introduce the Grid to your students by starting with an Intro Grid. When creating your Intro Grid, include procedures you want to establish with your students. Model your Intro Grid after future Grids that may be used. Communicate with stakeholders through videos and emails. Allow students and stakeholders to provide feedback to you often. Help! I just spent days, … Read More
Instruction in the New Normal
TL;DR: To prepare for any scenario, materials, lessons, and activities should be accessible to students anywhere and anytime. Teachers should create non-time dependent instructional plans that flow from one learning environment to another. Utilizing mastery and standards based grading to focus on targeted objectives provide a pathway to success. Things Are Different Now. No matter how you look at education … Read More
Retakes Promote Mastery
TL;DR: Debunking a common argument against retaking assessments. Reasons why retakes promote mastery of content. Seriously, You should Allow Retakes. I know as you read this title you may have rolled your eyes a bit. Maybe you had some thought of “In the real world they don’t allow retakes…“. I’d love to take that thought to it’s natural conclusion actually. … Read More