TL;DR: Network, network, network! Networking is crucial for substitute teachers to secure opportunities and build a positive professional reputation. Building relationships with teachers, leaving contact information, volunteering for repeat assignments, and utilizing social media are effective networking strategies. Teachers and administrators should value and support reliable substitutes, communicate preferences, and provide feedback to ensure a smooth substitute teaching experience. It … Read More
Connecting Your Class with Authors
TL;DR: Virtual learning led to decreased student motivation, prompting the need for engaging and meaningful activities. Using picture books and connecting with authors proved effective in fostering social-emotional learning and motivation. Strategies such as utilizing social media, attending author book signings, and exploring author websites facilitated connections and sparked students’ interest in writing and reading. After several weeks of virtual … Read More
The Admin Job Search Is Like Training for a Marathon
TL;DR: Training for a marathon and the admin job search share similarities in strategy and preparation. Identifying race/job search strategies and updating application materials are important initial steps. Putting in the hard work of training/interview practice is crucial, as is mental preparation for race day/interview day. The culmination is the race/interview, where you have control over certain aspects but not … Read More
Enhancing Learning with Ed Tech
TL:DR: Common sense is an important aspect of human intelligence that allows us to navigate everyday situations using reasoning and logic. Teaching and cultivating critical thinking and problem-solving skills, rather than relying solely on memorization, promotes understanding and the application of knowledge to real-world situations. Integrating educational technology (ed tech) in the classroom should be done with common sense, considering … Read More
Balancing Book Bans
TL;DR: Book bans pose challenges for teachers, requiring them to navigate policies and laws while balancing their responsibilities to students. Teachers should familiarize themselves with school policies and relevant laws to understand their options and responsibilities when facing a book ban. Staying informed about current events and book ban developments, preparing alternative materials, advocating for students, and using book bans … Read More