TL;DR: Morning meeting is a time for students to gather, discuss the day’s events and lessons, and anything else on their minds. Morning meeting is a strategy for building community in a classroom. Each morning meeting is facilitated by the teacher, but is student-driven. At precisely 9:25 on Monday morning, the doorbell rings. Students put away their materials, quickly move … Read More
Education’s Elephant in the Room
TL;DR: Silencing education’s elephant in the room by bringing attention to the responsibility of male leaders. The responsibilities of male leaders in a female dominated profession include initiating necessary conversations, being upfront, asking questions, listening, and summarizing points made in conversation to validate the other person. I grew up the youngest of four and the only girl. My mother tried … Read More
I’m Still Standing … Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
TL;DR: Despite all of the obstacles educators face this year, they are still standing. Teachers are seeing the opportunities that lie among all of the challenges. School leaders should provide teachers with flexibility, support, grace, and encouragement. Now is the time to celebrate our teachers and support them in everything they do. Don’t you know I’m still standing better than … Read More
Three Cheers for Beep Baseball
TL;DR: The game Beep Baseball is geared towards individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Beep Baseball is played with a 16-inch softball equipped with electronics that allow the ball to beep. The goal of the game is for the pitcher to get the batter to connect with the ball, not strike out the player. An interview with Dan Kelley, … Read More
Psychological First Aid: Needed Now More Than Ever
TL;DR: Psychological first aid addresses immediate needs and teaches coping skills, and is just as important as physical first aid. If you notice someone in distress, look, listen, and link are the three steps to follow. Tips for sleeping well and reducing anger are shared. Many of us have taken some kind of first aid class growing up, whether it … Read More