Choice + Voice: Powerhouse Combo in the Classroom

Lindsay TitusBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Grade Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Mastery Done Better

TL;DR: Choice and voice are essential in order to engage students. Student choice is directly related to the concept of autonomy. Student voice is often communicated through their choices and behaviors. It might be the teacher in me, but when words rhyme or have a strong sense of alliteration, I’m all for it! Two of my favorites? CHOICE + VOICE, … Read More

Management with the Grid: How to Keep Kids Motivated

Andrea KalchbennerBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

TL;DR: The Grid method can seem like a huge change, but there are some consistencies with a traditional approach. A teacher shares some strategies for management and engagement with the Grid. “How do you keep kids motivated?!” This question pops up over and over again for educators.  It does not matter whether you teach elementary or high school, or if … Read More

Authentic Audiences

Tyson GardinBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Personalize Student Learning Better, Tech Better

TL;DR: The importance of valuing our students’ voices and helping them feel heard. Taking your classroom to the next level with these strategies to provide an authentic audience. Have you ever struggled to challenge your students? Have you tried to incorporate authentic audiences in your learning activities? If the teacher across the hall can do it, you can too right? … Read More

5 Ways to Adjust Lessons to Promote Creative Thinking

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

TL;DR: The importance of creativity in the classroom. How creative thinking can increase the level of learning in your students. Five ways you can adjust or create lessons that promote creative thinking. Creativity is so valuable in our classrooms. With today’s focus on 21st century skills, thinking creatively is becoming even more important. We all know that the problems our … Read More