The Secret to Success: A Little Goes a Long Way

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Survival

TL;DR: Some cooking advice that also applies to remote teaching. Steps and questions to consider when planning for distance learning. Cooking is a hobby I enjoy, as well as a pleasant distraction from life.  After eating an enjoyable dish at a restaurant, I make it a goal to try to achieve success and replicate the recipe, but make it even … Read More

Covid19 – A Game Changer in Education

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Covid19 has changed our educational system rapidly, and in a big way. A list of resources for districts and teachers. Resources for mental health and stress relief. Covid19 is a game changer unlike any we’ve ever seen. Just look around you. Streets are empty; stores are closed. Parents are with their kids, working from home. Covid19 changed the way … Read More

Remote Learning as a Teacher and a Mom: 6 Practical Strategies for Making it Work

Maggie GiffordBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Self Care Better, Tech Better

TL;DR: The unique difficulties in this time of remote teaching, as both a teacher and a mom. 6 strategies and suggestions to balance support for your students and your own children. During a normal school year on a normal school day, you juggle the duties of being a teacher and a mom.  You have two lives and two sets of … Read More