Mastering The Grid Method in 7 Steps

Rae HughartBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Master Grid Method basics for teaching success. Plan, engage, set expectations, and differentiate. Use assessments, reflect, and refine for classroom mastery. Can you feel the excitement in the air as we dive into the new year? This is the perfect time to shake things up in your classroom. And what better way to do it than with Mastery Learning … Read More

6 Edtech Tools for Fast and Easy Differentiation

Eric GuiseBlog

Episode 147

GotTechED the Podcast     Episode #148: 6 Edtech Tools for Fast and Easy Differentiation Welcome back to GotTechED the podcast this is Episode 148 called “6 Edtech Tools for Fast and Easy Differentiation”. In this episode, we’ll talk about 6 of our favorite sites that actually make it possible to differentiate your classroom materials.  In a bonus intro segment, we’ll also … Read More

3 Key Beliefs to Guide Your Instructional Practices

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR:  3 key beliefs to guide your instructional practices include differentiation, accommodation, and modification. Build in structures to your instructional practices so students can have more opportunities for voice and choice. “Equity and Inclusion Just Got Better” Blog Reflection Questions: What is the one thing you will try to do in your classroom to make it inclusive? How does being … Read More

Using Differentiated Instruction to Teach a Novel

Kristen KoppersBlog, Differentiate Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Introduce the author first, and let students know why they are reading this particular novel and what the background of the story is. Teach essential questions, themes, motifs, and symbolism ahead of time, especially with difficult texts. Include visual art with their reading. Allow students to differentiate their pace. Using differentiated instruction in the classroom does not have to be … Read More

One Size Does Not Fit All

Kristen KoppersBlog, Differentiate Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Just like it’s impossible for one size of pants to fit all students, one way of teaching will not reach all students. In addition, teachers come from a variety of backgrounds themselves and naturally have different styles. Learn how to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of each student. The Perfect Pants The movie Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants … Read More