
Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR Perspective is an important part of problem-solving. Changing your perspective is not always easy. You can learn a lot when you take the time to change your perspective. Our family takes big vacations during the summer. We snorkel, climb mountains, and hike through the woods. Our family explores the many different landscapes within the United States. We experience new … Read More

Shooting for the Moon

Kelly PascarellaBlog, Connect Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Growth is found in risk. With each lesson, educators shoot for the moon. Educators have so many responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. Sharing resources with other educators can help you reach the moon daily. We’ve often heard the phrase, “shoot for the moon, if you miss you’ll land among the stars.” But what exactly does that mean when applied … Read More

LinkedIn for Leadership and Collaboration

Lindsay LyonsBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Tech Better

TL;DR: This post shares how LinkedIn can be used for thought leadership and long-term collaboration. Tips on how to foster connection: create regular content, batch posts, choose one favorite social media platform, seek strategic connections, and have manageable follow up. LinkedIn for Leadership and Collaboration About four years ago, I gave up on social media. I deactivated my Facebook, I … Read More

Parents as Teachers: Viewing Children through the Lens of the Teacher

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: As teachers, you get the best version of the students. The way you interact with parents greatly affects their home life. While the parent-teacher relationship can be complicated, remember that both parties are acting in the best interest of the student. Communication and compromise are key in order to mutually help the student. Building a strong parent-teacher relationship raises … Read More

The Value of Giving

Kelly PascarellaBlog, Connect Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Giving and sharing resources with other educators will inspire joy and success in the classroom. Educators are facing many challenges, but finding educational resources shouldn’t be one of them. Education Blueprint is a platform that allows all teachers the ability to upload and download content, connect to fellow educators, and identify and share supporting classroom resources in all K-12 … Read More