TL;DR: The practice of choosing One Word can be more effective than making New Year’s resolutions. One student chose the word CARE and he demonstrated it every day. Begin to see kind and caring gestures for you as gifts of care because it deepens your gratitude and relationships. Give the gift of care for others by not only thinking of … Read More
Building Relationships in the First Weeks of School
TL;DR Strong relationships in the classroom are the foundation for a successful school year. Be intentional with the activities you choose and be willing to be vulnerable with your students. It is important to scaffold relationship building with students. I believe that I am an outstanding teacher because I work hard every day to build relationships with my students to … Read More
Replenish Your Shelves
TL;DR: Do you have an article of old clothing that you have a hard time throwing out? You are probably not alone. Relationships can fall into this category too. Sometimes they become torn and tattered like an old pair of jeans and no longer fit well with us. Take time to re-evaluate relationships and choose to move on with ones … Read More
Make the Drive Part of the Experience
TL;DR: For the past two years, Ray has involved his two boys with cooking by taking turns shopping, preparing, cooking, and serving the food from different countries around the world. More recently, they have changed it up by challenging themselves with a cost budget and weight budget, forcing them to be more creative. The best part of this experience is … Read More
Leading Through Instructional Practices
TL;DR: While educators with formal leadership roles are often seen as the leaders, teachers who lead through instructional practices they initiate themselves have the most impact. Innovation in the classroom leads to change and a model of success in your classroom that others take notice of. Proudly share your successes and failures with others through discussions to affect change. We … Read More