Focus on Improving Your Grading Practices

Andrea KalchbennerBlog, Grade Better, Mastery Done Better

TL;DR: Focus on improving your grading practices by cutting the fluff, grading what matters, eradicating participation and completion points, and allowing redos. Avoid taking points off for late work. Use formative assessments to guide student progress and include students in the assessment process. Have you ever had a parent ask you why their child is passing your class but failing … Read More

Refocus Your Assessment: Grading and Feedback for Understanding

Teach Better TeamBlog, Grade Better, Mastery Done Better

TL;DR: It is time to refocus your assessment and consider grading and feedback for understanding. Make sure students know what the learning goal is and what they are working toward. Ensure feedback is specific, useful, and given in a timely manner. Consider the following feedback structure: Where are you in your proficiency? Why are you there? What are your next … Read More

Student Conferencing with a Focus on the Focus

Dave SchmittouBlog, Grade Better, Lesson Plan Better, Video(s)

Student Conferencing with a Focus on the Focus  Video Highlights: Use “we” instead of “you” during student conferences. Celebrate growth rather than “got it” moments. When it comes to student conferencing, don’t judge, just support. See the full series here! [scroll down to keep reading] About Dave Schmittou Entering his twenty-first year in education, Dave has earned a reputation … Read More

5 Thought-Provoking Questions About Assessment

Steven WeberBlog, Grade Better, Lesson Plan Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Teaching and learning should be framed around a desired set of learning targets. Identify how teachers will measure student understanding. The classroom should be a safe place where students are receiving feedback from their teacher, peers, and own reflections. 4 key reflection questions to consider before and after a unit are shared. Find ways to celebrate small wins in … Read More

Ep. 27: Happiness Booster | Lee Ann Jung | Habits of Learning

Tom SchimmerThe Tom Schimmer Podcast

In Don’t @ Me (2:37), Tom, as a counter to last week, identifies the most efficient and effective happiness booster. Then, Tom is joined by Dr. Lee Ann Jung (14:37) to discuss sound assessment practices within the Universal Design for Learning framework. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:07:02), Tom describes five guidelines for schools as they separate academic achievement from the … Read More