EP66: Why is it Important to De-center Christmas in our Classrooms?

The Staff Room PodcastStaff Room Podcast

In Episode 66 of The Staffroom Podcast, Chey and Pav talk about their experiences with celebrating holidays – Christmas, in particular – in their classrooms in recent years. The diverse cultures in their classrooms has forced them to be much more mindful of whose culture and traditions are being pushed in our classrooms. They discuss Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy, Equity and the discussion of how they have had these conversations with their students and how they will be more intentional going forward in the new year.

Chey and Pav talk to Jennifer Quattrucci, Educator and Author from Providence, Rhode Island, for their 3 Enlightened Minutes segment.

How to get in touch with Jennifer:

Twitter: @jenquattrucci
Web: https://www.mommyteacherfashionista.com/


The Drive with Chey & Pav on Voice Ed Radio: https://voiced.ca/project/the-drive-with-chey-and-pav/

Chey and Pav are a part of the School Rubric team: https://schoolrubric.com/publications/articles/perspectives/item/105-the-staffroom-podcast-with-chey-and-pav-an-origin-story



Stay in touch with Chey and Pav Through Email and Social Media

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/staffroompodcast/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_staff_room_podcast/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/StaffPodcast https://twitter.com/TheDriveVoicEd https://twitter.com/EduNeverDies

Pav Twitter: @PavWander Chey Twitter: @Mrccheney


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