Greg Bagby is a humble, experienced, knowledgeable leader. HIs passions as a teacher have transcend his ability to support teachers as a building leader and district leader. In our conversation we discuss the best ways to work as a reflective teacher and how that can directly impact your students’ performance.
What a great podcast with the powerED Up team as always. Such humble leadership showcased by the amazing guest. Share on X
Learning is a process. Performance based doesn’t mean it has to be perfect, but a process to reach our goals.
Shielding teachers from unnecessary communication from district office to encourage better teaching
Encouraging teachers to take risks and try new strategies in lessons
Reflective practice as a teacher is key to improve our practices and pedagogy
Take a risk and film yourself. It is the best feedback you can give yourself to adjust your teaching and find areas to improve.
Using Edtech for a purpose, it doesn’t need to be the center focus of the lesson
Enhance the lessons with technology, move from consumption towards creativity
Podcast: BookswithBagby
Podcast: Education Soapbox
Twitter: @Gregbagby
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