Show 64: Setting a Foundation for Health and Happiness

Ken EhrmannpowerED Up Podcast

She is a true inspiration for what we can do with our youngest learners! You gotta puuussshhh through it! Share on X

Candace Young is an incredible PE teacher passionate about inspiring movement and health.  She spends her entire day teaching five and six-year-olds the key habits for success in life.  Her classroom is dynamic, engaging, and organized.  Her positive attitude is palpable throughout the conversation and her passion for making a difference. She has really high expectations for students because she truly believes, they can accomplish anything they put their mind to.

In This Episode We Cover:

  • Creating a foundation of movement and health at a young age with kindergartners.

  • Creating safe opportunities for failures and successes.

  • As adults, we can model good behavior and healthy habits.

  • Key vocabulary words to use with young students related to movement and health.

  • Creating expectations with structured play and free play.

  • The structure of her classroom and the routines the students follow.

  • Her efforts to support classroom instruction and encourage movement across all subjects.


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