Show 64: Setting a Foundation for Health and Happiness

Ken EhrmannpowerED Up Podcast

She is a true inspiration for what we can do with our youngest learners! You gotta puuussshhh through it! Click To Tweet

Candace Young is an incredible PE teacher passionate about inspiring movement and health.  She spends her entire day teaching five and six-year-olds the key habits for success in life.  Her classroom is dynamic, engaging, and organized.  Her positive attitude is palpable throughout the conversation and her passion for making a difference. She has really high expectations for students because she truly believes, they can accomplish anything they put their mind to.

In This Episode We Cover:

  • Creating a foundation of movement and health at a young age with kindergartners.

  • Creating safe opportunities for failures and successes.

  • As adults, we can model good behavior and healthy habits.

  • Key vocabulary words to use with young students related to movement and health.

  • Creating expectations with structured play and free play.

  • The structure of her classroom and the routines the students follow.

  • Her efforts to support classroom instruction and encourage movement across all subjects.


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