Time with Dr. Danny Brassell is amazing! Thank you for bringing him on the show to share his amazing advice and stories. Share on X
Dr. Danny Brassell is America’s leading reading ambassador and is passionate about getting every child to love reading. The more we get kids excited about reading, the more they will love reading, and the more they will learn reading.
If we spend so much time teaching students how to read, shouldn’t we teach them to love reading first?
Develop a love for reading, so they can read to learn.
A great book recommendation from Danny, Teacher Man by Frank McCourt
It’s important to get to know our students so we know how to connect with them
We can be the light or the darkness for a student each day. Both take just as much effort, we just need to pay attention to our interactions.
It’s important we evaluate and understand where students are coming from and what home life looks like so we approach teaching and learning with empathy.
Create opportunities for students to experience the value of books without reading the entire book. Spark the interest in the content through the conversations and experiences of the classroom.
Website: www.dannybrassell.com/
Twitter: @DannyBrassell
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