Jackie offered so many valuable ideas to modify and transform what professional learning SHOULD look like for teachers. Share on X
Jackie Wynkoop is a fantastic educator. She is passionate and fired up whenever she can talk about teaching, learning, and instruction. She is solely focused on supporting teachers to feel confident, empowered, and impactful. She is incredibly passionate about professional learning, so much so that she started her own podcast the PL Playbook.
Jackie has had an amazing journey in her career through many positions including fourth grade, fifth grade, instructional coach, director of gifted, vice principal, and back to instructional coach.
Creating trust in the classroom is essential, without this, everything else will be more challenging.
Using hexagonal thinking to facilitate creative brainstorming.
Empower teachers to facilitate professional learning to support their colleagues.
Reach out to teachers in other districts and at events to make connections to help support you in the future.
Teaching can not just be a job, it has to be something you love.
Destination Imagination is a fantastic program to incorporate STEM into your school community.
Website: https://t.co/f37ngGWvzm
Twitter: @LitCoachJackieW
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