Ryan Read chats with us about his role as a business and technology teacher who’s passionate about helping students learn the power of technology and how to apply it in their lives.
Ryan’s Recommendations
EdTech Tool: FlipGrid
What’s A Good YouTube Channel, Podcast or Website for Educators?
Doodle Chat (YouTube)
Jennifer Burdis (Website)
Daily, Weekly, or Monthly routine every teacher should get into? Trying to put in a Daily Gratitude Snap on Social Media and Monthly try to create one new lesson based on something popular.
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: “You are going to be a broken teacher from your failures and years of work and burn out. Let it build you, not destroy you, let it give you new beginnings, not endings.”
Links to Connect With Ryan
Twitter: @ryan7read
YouTube: Ryan Read
Website or Blog: ClassRoomNextLevel