Paul Emerich France chats with us about all of the ventures and experiences he has had within the education space and how we can reclaim personalized learning for students.
'I am really excited about education because I feel educators are more courageous than ever and we are going to witness a monumental shift in education for the better.' @paul_emerich #275 #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XPaul’s Recommendations
EdTech Tool: Seesaw
Who do we need to follow on Twitter or Instagram TODAY?
What’s A Good YouTube Channel, Podcast or Website for Educators? “Morning Meeting”(Podcast)
Daily, Weekly, or Monthly routine every teacher should get into? Drinking water.
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received? “Speak to yourself in your most compassionate voice.”
Links to Connect With Paul:
Website or Blog:
Twitter: @paul_emerich
Instagram: @paul_emerich