The Principal on a Skateboard, Michael Earnshaw, chats with us about getting back the real you, the importance of modeling what you expect from others, and why he doesn’t care about test scores.
Michael shares why we need to get out of our comfort zones, how you can use “speed dating” with your staff, and why if you know in your heart that what you want to do is right for kids, you need to just try it.
'If you know in your heart that what you want to do is right for kids, try it.' - @mearnshaw158 from episode 87 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 2:18 – Chatting about the Teach Better Conference.
- 3:44 – Highlighting some of the amazing educators coming to speak at the conference!
- P. Sloan Joseph (@psjoseph718)
- Craig J. Boykin (@gedtophd)
- Kevin Butler (@thekevinjbutler)
- Jake Miller (@JakeMillerTech)
- CJ Reynolds (Real Rap With Reynolds)
- Britney Wolf (@oneticatatime)
- Michael Earnshaw (@mearnshaw158)
- 9:33 – Previewing the episode with Michael Earnshaw.
- 12:58 – Michael introduces himself.
- 14:16 – Where “The Principal on a Skateboard” comes from, and how Michael uses it to engage with students.
- 16:54 – Michael’s failure: Not building the moral and atmosphere at his school.
- 30:02 – Michael shares stories about why he doesn’t care about test scores.
- 33:36 – Michael’s advice for teachers that want to create strong, positive environments where they can take risks:
- If you know in your heart that what you want to do is right for kids, try it.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
- None of us have all the answers.
- Build relationships with everyone.
- 36:38 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 40:17 – How to connect with Michael.
Michael’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Twitter
- Book:
- Who to Follow:
- Greg Bruno (@MistahBruno)
- Santiago Meza (@santiagoAM115)
- Jonathan Alsheimer (@mr_alsheimer)
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Joe Rogan Experience Podcast
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Take time for yourself daily.
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received:
- “Do something you love.” – Dad
- “Every Day is Game Day” – First principal
Links to Connect With Michael
- Website:
- Twitter: @mearnshaw158
- YouTube Channel: Mike Earnshaw
- Instagram: @OakGlenGrizzlies158
- Voxer: Mike Earnshaw / punkrockprincipal