Marie McCumber chats with us about her joy and passion for teaching elementary education at the Ohio State School of the Blind.
'I am really excited with the network and connections educators can make and the ideas we can bounce off of each other due to social media.' @hannahnia #276 #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XMaries’s Recommendations:
EdTech Tool: Bookshare
Who do we need to follow on Twitter or Instagram TODAY?
What’s A Good YouTube Channel, Podcast or Website for Educators? The Staffroom (Podcast)
Daily, Weekly, or Monthly routine every teacher should get into? Disconnect, get outside, and just be: listen to what is around you and breathe deeply.
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received? “Academics can take a backseat to teach the vital skills needed to access those academics: behavioral, organizational, technology, etc.”
Links to Connect With Marie:
Twitter: @Hannahnia
Facebook Page: marie.mccumber
Book(s): My Name is Not Jamie (releasing August 5th)
Voxer: @Hannahnia