Dr. Lori McEwen chats with us about focusing on best practices for all students, bringing everything back to deep and joyful learning for kids, and how we’re all just works in progress, learning every day.
Lori chats about her excitement around mastery learning, how we can approach student-centered learning, and why we need to celebrate all wins.
'Even at my age, I'm still a work in progress.' - @lorimcewen from episode 88 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 0:46 – Chatting about mastery learning.
- 6:26 – Sharing some awesome data from one of our amazing school districts.
- 9:04 – Previewing the episode with Lori McEwen
- 12:26 – Lori introduces herself.
- 13:47 – Lori’s failures: All my failures come from the times I forget to plan properly and communicate clearly.
- 17:01 – Lori’s success: Launching two mastery-based schools, and the impact their students (scholars) felt. Building up those schools, and getting others to come along with her.
- 24:18 – What’s got Lori excited about education right now:
- 28:14 – Lori’s advice to teachers trying to have a student-focused classroom: Ask for feedback. Lots of feedback. Invite people into your room.
- 31:46 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 34:40 – How to connect with Lori.
Lori’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Google docs
- Book: “In Search of Deeper Learning: the Quest to Remake the American High School” by Jal Mehta and Sarah Fine
- Who to Follow:
- Jen Gonzalez @cultofpedagogy
- Catlin Tucker @Catlin_Tucker
- Thomas Guskey @tguskey
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: TED
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine:
- Breathe, visualize your day, meditate, plan
- Do a weekly review and visit another teacher’s classroom
- Celebrate wins
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received:
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood (Covey)
- Remember that all parents love their children the best way they know how. (Gene Connolly)
Links to Connect With Lori
- Website: lorimcewen.com
- Twitter: @lorimcewen