Khandker Ahamed chats with us about self care, empathy, and students being the driving force for what we do.
'And when I hear the story of some of my students, I need to hear millions of those stories. I need to hear billions of those stories.' - @khandkeraham from episode 169 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 3:10 – Discussing proposal submissions for the 2020 Teach Better Conference.
- 8:54 – Previewing the episode with Khandker Ahamed.
- 12:39 – Khandker introduces himself.
- 18:34 – How Khandker and his company are dealing with the COVID-19 / Coronavirus pandemic.
- 19:58 – Khandker’s failure: One of their partners going to college and leaving the company.
- 22:12 – What’s keeping Khandker excited about education right now: The students.
- 23:32 – Khandker’s advice for teachers: Take care of yourself. Empathize with each of your students.
- 25:49 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 27:36 – How to connect with Khandker
Khandker’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Google Drive
- Book: “Becoming” By Michelle Obama.
- Who to Follow on Social Media:
- Dalai Lama: @DalaiLama
- ThriveGlobal: @thrive
- Christopher Emdin: @chrisemdin
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: TED-Ed
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Check up on yourself. Ask “How am I doing really?”
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: Growth is not only about success.
Links to Connect With Khandker
- Website:
- Twitter: @khandkeraham
- Facebook Page: Khandker Ahamed
- Instagram: @khandkeraham
- LinkedIn: