Howard Blumenthal chats with us about intersection of human progress, future-mindedness, technology, media, and the future of learning in the 21st century
'What you are interested in, you should learn more about and this is what we need to focus on more in schools and throughout education.' - Howard Blumenthal #273 #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XHowards’s Recommendations
EdTech Tool: Computer
What’s A Good YouTube Channel, Podcast or Website for Educators? Whatever you are interested in
Daily, Weekly, or Monthly routine every teacher should get into? You don’t get better at anything unless you practice.
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received? “Shut up and listen”.
Links to Connect With Howard:
YouTube Channel:
Book(s): More than 20, but the current title, Our Whole World in Their Hands: 21st Century School & Our Global Future is pre-publication.