Dustin Pearson chats with us about the power of relationships and working together to thrive and evolve as educators. Dustin is a 7th grade special education teacher that is currently working on writing his first novel “Building Effective Co-Teaching Teams” and is beginning his doctorate degree in education leadership this summer.
'Everything is a learning experience and it is up to us to decide how we want to use each experience and move forward.' - @DustinPearson2 #260 #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XDustin’s Recommendations
EdTech Tool: Google Classroom
Who do we need to follow on Twitter or Instagram Today?
What’s A Good YouTube Channel, Podcast or Website for Educators? The Great War Channel (YouTube)
Daily, Weekly, or Monthly routine every teacher should get into? Leave work at work.
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Be you and be authentic.
Links To Connect With Dustin
Website or Blog: www.weareoneteameducation.wordpress.com
Twitter: @DustinPearson2