Dawn Harris chats with us about how teachers are turning education on its head to find ways to engage with their students during this pandemic.
'I have seen folks and educators really turning education on its head to meet the needs of kids. Teachers are bending over backwards to find ways to really get their kids engaged.' - @dharriseds from episode #207 #TeachBetterTalk… Share on XDawn’s Recommendations
EdTech Tool: Wakelet
Who to Follow on Social Media:
We Are One Team, Dustin Pearson (YouTube)
https://tracibrowder.com (Website)
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Daily: Get up early! I get up at 4:30 every single morning… I have for more than 20 years.
Weekly: Join the #LeadLAP chat every Saturday morning at 10:30am ET
Monthly: Do something for yourself and treat yourself to something that makes you happy.
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: Shut up and listen