The Power of Saying “No”

Teach Better TeamBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Self Care Better, Survival

TL;DR: Learning to say “No” as a self-care strategy Engaging in positive communication with others The COVID-19 pandemic has tested us all. From students, to teachers, to administrators, to district leaders and families, we’ve all faced challenges we never thought we would see. As educators, it’s our nature to always put the needs of others first. It’s why we got … Read More

3 Signs That It’s Time to Leave Your School or District

Teach Better TeamBlog, Self Care Better, Survival, Teacherpreneur Better

TL;DR: A personal story and reflection of leaving a position. 3 signs it’s time to leave your current position. Suggestions for self-reflection to determine your next steps. In 2016, I was at a crossroads and needed to be challenged professionally. As I contemplated leaving my district position, I knew it was time for me to go. But I had a … Read More

The Secret to Success: A Little Goes a Long Way

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Survival

TL;DR: Some cooking advice that also applies to remote teaching. Steps and questions to consider when planning for distance learning. Cooking is a hobby I enjoy, as well as a pleasant distraction from life.  After eating an enjoyable dish at a restaurant, I make it a goal to try to achieve success and replicate the recipe, but make it even … Read More