Are you missing out on Twitter chats for teachers? With over 500 million tweets being sent every day, it’s no wonder Twitter is quickly becoming a favorite hangout spot for educators all over the world. Wait…what? I thought Twitter was just for the kids..or the Kardashians… A lot of people have a very misconstrued view of Twitter. While yes, there … Read More
Standard Based Grading : 4 Pillars
Standards-based grading is a mind-shift for traditional thinkers! With this transition, educators must feel a strong base as they make daily decisions in the classroom. How do you do this well? Make smart educational decisions secured by the 4 Key Pillars of Standard Based Grading. Direct Correlation Between Specific Vocabulary and A Numeric Value Most Standards-Based Grading scales utilize a … Read More
3 Easy Ways To Universally Design Your Classroom
Universal design for learning, or UDL, is a common phrase that I’m sure you’ve been hearing tossed around at professional development workshops, team meetings, or just in general educational forums. Universally designing your classroom essentially means that you design your curriculum and delivery of that curriculum to meet the needs of all learners in your class. This means you should … Read More
Standards-Based Grading: The Basics
Standards-Based Grading is a HOT topic right now as educators evaluate what the term “grading” means in the classroom. As grades continue to dictate a student’s ability to be accepted into a university, qualify them for specific career paths, and award financial support, administrators, teachers, and parents have begun taking a special interest in the ideal equation for a “perfect … Read More
What Is Competency Based Learning?
Competency Based Learning (CBL) is gaining popularity and has been growing as more schools, districts, and educational systems realize the many benefits it offers. Called by many names and crossing over many initiatives, including: Mastery Learning, Personalized learning, Formative Assessment, and Differentiation, competency based learning can truly help educators meet the needs of all students. This also begs that we understand … Read More