TL;DR: There is a comparison between cooking appliances and education methods, contrasting microwave learning (traditional) with air fryer learning (constructivist). In traditional learning, teachers are the main source of knowledge and focus on student compliance, while constructivist learning emphasizes student engagement, collaboration, and connecting learning to real-life experiences. Teachers in today’s classrooms are encouraged to be guides and mentors, creating … Read More
Heart of Education: Learning From One Another
TL;DR: Veteran educators are our best resource for advice, inspiration, and long-term purpose. Stepping into the classroom of a teacher who is our opposite is an opportunity to rethink our own best practices. Global networking can provide solutions we can’t see inside the comfort of our own communities. When I think about the teachers who have made the greatest impression … Read More
STEM and STEAM Are a Part of Your Everyday Life
TL;DR: STEM and STEAM are integral to our everyday life and we encounter many challenges that require these skills. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, while STEAM adds Art or Architecture. A problem with a door latch at home is an example of STEM and STEAM in action, involving science, technology, engineering, art/architecture, and mathematics. We can intentionally … Read More
Be a Leader
TL;DR: As a teacher, you are already a leader in your classroom, but there are more opportunities for you to lead within your school district. It’s important to avoid falling into a routine and to constantly evaluate and revamp your teaching methods to fit the needs of your current students. Leaders are not afraid to try new things and share … Read More
5 Tips for Being More Productive
TL;DR: People want to be more productive but have limited time. Being organized can help reduce mental stress. 5 ways to stay organized and productive are: create a list, put things away immediately, don’t avoid quick tasks, establish routines, and take notes. Implementing these tips can increase productivity and create more free time. Today I’m going to be more productive. … Read More