TL;DR: You can build relationships online just as effectively as you can in person. Online relationships can be formed despite the barriers of time and distance. The relationships you build online can lead to long-lasting friendships. Build meaningful relationships with students in an online learning environment the same way you build connections online with colleagues. Building Relationships Online Started Early … Read More
Meeting the Needs of a Stressed Generation
TL;DR: Students of all ages face many stressors in their daily lives. Mindfulness is just one approach we can take to address the needs of a stressed generation. Emotional regulation uses strategies to guide anxiety, worry, and distress to harness those feelings and achieve specific goals in life, and in the classroom. “Our children are our greatest treasure. They are … Read More
Smile…and the Whole World Smiles With You
TL;DR: Being a great speaker is all in the delivery. But it’s not just how you speak, it’s about what you say. Build connections with students and earn their respect by giving a smile, being real, and valuing the time you have with them. You may not always have an influence on students right away. Sometimes they don’t come around … Read More
A Special Person
TL;DR: Everyone is special for following their dreams, pursuing their passions, and showing up daily to ensure that we are bettering the lives we serve. Consider the weight of complimenting a special education teacher by stating that they are special people for doing what they do. I think we can all agree that the people who walk the halls each day … Read More
Power Up Thinking Routines Using Technology Tools
TL;DR: Using technology to enhance thinking routines transforms students from consumers of information to creators, as they share their thinking visually. Technology tools such as Padlet, Pear Deck, Flipgrid, and Google Slides can help students synthesize their thoughts to make their thinking visible. During the 2018-19 school year, my administration at the time introduced the staff to thinking routines. Thinking … Read More