TL;DR: Teachers need to take a step into their students’ reality to truly understand them and see the world from their perspective. All students have the capability of being leaders in the classroom. The power of empowerment means encouraging our students to love themselves and be whatever they seek out to be. What does empowerment look like in your classroom? … Read More
5 Quick Tips For HyFlex Instruction
TL;DR: HyFlex instruction is when teachers provide in-person and online learning experiences simultaneously. Tips for HyFlex instruction include being simple and authentic, checking in with students, using the chat feature, keeping the meet on during independent activities, making eye contact with learners, and providing ongoing feedback. Always Learning As I scrolled through Twitter this week, I stumbled across a term … Read More
Listening Matters
TL;DR: Sometimes all we need is someone who will listen to us. As an instructional coach, listening matters—it is essential for building relationships. Coaches should share ideas, but ultimately, the teacher needs ownership in developing an idea and implementing it. In the last coaching blog, we discussed the importance of relationships. Relationships are the foundation for strong and effective instructional … Read More
Lessons Learned: From Surviving to Thriving
TL;DR: School districts can go from surviving to thriving by shifting from isolation to collaboration. Other ways to go from surviving to thriving include assessing for learning and shifting the focus from teaching to learning. In mid-March, school districts across the United States began adjusting the school schedule and learning environment. Due to a global pandemic, several schools closed for two … Read More
Using the Backwards Design to Reach Your Goals
TL;DR: Use the backwards design in your life to move toward your goals in a clear way. Plan your journey by creating a list of manageable steps to get to your goal. Write out your list, create a timeline, and give each task a reasonable deadline. A goal-setting template PDF download is shared. Welcome back to our ‘Begin Better’ series … Read More