TL;DR: The decrease in interaction and participation rate with students in a virtual setting has been an issue but when we plan with empathy, it may make a difference. Make lessons more interesting or entertaining by adding music in the beginning or during your lesson, turning students into active participants by giving them a role, providing breaks or sending students … Read More
5 Blind Spots For Principals
TL;DR: A principal who is aware of blind spots will be better prepared to lead. Blind spots for principals include thinking change is a single event and that closing achievement gaps happens when we teach the standards, assuming families know what takes place in the school, thinking the principal is the only leader, and thinking technology is a magic solution. … Read More
Keep Learning
TL;DR: As an educator, professional learning is an essential part of our career. Keep learning with professional development options such as engaging on social media and subscribing to blogs and podcasts. You can also keep learning with paid professional development options. Examples include becoming a member of a professional organization, attending conferences, or taking additional classes. In our last blog … Read More
Best Intentions: Hungry for Better
TL;DR: A new learning series, Best Intentions, aims to support, connect, and inspire educators’ desire towards self-improvement. It begins on January 31st in the Teach Better Team Private Facebook Group. Best Intentions is designed to help educators explore self-development in the pursuit of living our most intentionally authentic lives in and out of the classroom. The LIVE monthly conversational-style interviews … Read More
Parents as Teachers: Viewing Children through the Lens of the Teacher
TL;DR: As teachers, you get the best version of the students. The way you interact with parents greatly affects their home life. While the parent-teacher relationship can be complicated, remember that both parties are acting in the best interest of the student. Communication and compromise are key in order to mutually help the student. Building a strong parent-teacher relationship raises … Read More