Why You Should Start Your Own Nonprofit Organization

Teach Better TeamBlog, Lead Better


  • Begin your nonprofit organization by raising money and awareness.
  • Until you are ready to start a nonprofit, leverage your profession and community to create change for your kids.

It’s no big secret: the unsung heroes in our communities and the driving force for change are teachers! With the important role a teacher plays in our lives, it’s a shame we still find ourselves questioning why our teachers are severely underpaid.

Teachers build better lives.

Teachers are important to the maturity and development of a youth! Just like a doctor, teachers are saving lives. But why the lack of funding? Often in life, it’s hard to get the correct answers to the questions that matter.

Rather than try to find the answer to something we’ve been chasing for years, I have a solution! Every teacher should create their own nonprofit organization! Yes, every teacher should create a foundation centered around their classroom and common issue their school or school district faces.

It's time we invest in our teachers, our essential leaders! Share on X [scroll down to keep reading] 7 Changes That Could Save Your Teaching Career - Free Ebook Download

Nonprofit organizations are social enterprises that are to serve the common good of the community.

A huge source of a nonprofit’s income stems from donations. As a teacher, rather than spend money out of your personal funds and a one-time stipend for the year, it’s time you take your passion and expertise and create a movement that will serve the greater good of your students for generations to come.

Here is a life hack for beginning a nonprofit organization. Grocery chains and office supply stores have a monthly quota for giving back. Often, they tend to not hit their targets or actually give anything back. As an organization, and more importantly, as a teacher, you can use this donation as a way to supply your kids with resources monthly!

You might think, well it costs money to start a nonprofit and get recognized by the IRS. Yes this is true—the application fee is $275. But you don’t have to apply right away. Create a GoFundMe account. Tell your friends and family. Once you’ve fundraised a fair amount, then apply.

Until then, leverage your profession and community to create change for your kids. Think of this: once you have your organization up and running, you’re eligible to apply for federal and local grants for thousands of dollars to serve your kids. This helps solve a portion of our teachers’ issues they’re faced with. For an in-depth overview, read The Art of Giving: One Nonprofit Can Change The World. It’s time we invest in our teachers, our essential leaders!

About Sebastian Sanders

Sebastian Sanders “The Youth Principal” is a world motivational speaker. Born in Houston, Texas, Sebastian is a known community leader & youth advocate since his founding of The Sanders Hand in 2017. He has been changing the lives of many families and students across the world, servicing over 2,000 youth & college students from Texas to Oklahoma. Sebastian is a graduate from the University of Texas at San Antonio with his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration Management. Sebastian is also the founder & chairman of SJS Enterprises, serving as the cultivation of community and business as we know it.

Known for his amazing work with youth, he is a perceived businessman & social entrepreneur with the creation of “Define Success” curriculum & leadership camp. Sebastian is a well-rounded entrepreneur with his unique sense of business. He thrives for change in our economy and community.

“Don’t look for change, be the change.” – Sebastian.