- Focus on equity over equality: Treat students equitably and give them what they need to be successful by considering inclusion.
- Maslow before Bloom’s Taxonomy: Know your students and attend to their needs first.
- Find your own teaching philosophy. Be yourself.
Qualities to Possess #1: See your classroom with EQUITY as a focus.
Equity vs. Equality—there is no DEBATE!
You will never have the perfect classroom with all the perfect situations that line up to help you lead. However, having a good understanding of how you should treat students equitably compared to equally will be one thing that will make you successful. Give each student what they need to be successful by considering learning styles and differentiating lessons to be inclusive of all.
It's simple to consider: Maslow's Hierarchy first then Bloom's Taxonomy. That's it. Always. In any given situation. Share on X
Classism is something many can relate to:
Not everyone has the opportunity to graduate and go to college or university because of financial situations. But by having programs available for students to take student loans to pursue goals, we level the playing field and give an opportunity that is fair and equitable so all who want to can pursue higher studies.
Consider one systemic barrier: Money or social status in society.
Addressing the social issue from an equity point of view. Offer financial assistance for lower income families so the student can have the opportunity for higher education.
Achieve liberation by taking on the systemic barrier by giving financial assistance. Make it a non-issue in the pursuit of higher studies for families who qualify so the opportunity is available for all to get higher education.
Know that systemic barriers from society will always exist. They need to be considered in eliminating obstacles that may hinder or stand in the way of learning.
Qualities to Possess #2: Bloom vs. Maslow Connected
- Know your students and their individual situations. I value this knowledge from my undergraduate degree in Child Studies.
- It’s simple to consider: Maslow’s Hierarchy first then Bloom’s Taxonomy. That’s it. Always. In any given situation.
Always attend to the basic needs of your students prior to working on lesson plan knowledge.
Have high expectations for all students but make sure their basic needs are met. Know that it’s never going to be ideal. That is something you have to accept but you will always try your best to work through issues as they come up in the days, weeks, and months of a school year.
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Quality to Possess #3: Find your OWN teaching philosophy.
- My philosophy: Every child can be successful at learning and reach their potential.
- Start each day fresh as a new page in an epic novel. Don’t hold onto things.
- Spread positive vibes.
- Be yourself. You are just human!
Dream on… Many educators dream of having their own classroom and teaching meaningful lessons which leads to creating systemic changes.
Mentor Others and Be A Mentee: If I can teach anything to mentor and mentee teachers, I would say learn these three qualities and add them to your teacher tool box.
Build and Maintain Relationships: You will be successful as a teacher in making meaningful connections and building positive teacher-student relationships over the years in your career.
Yours in Education,
About Nilmini Ratwatte-Henstridge
Nilmini Ratwatte-Henstridge teaches in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. She was born in Sri Lanka and immigrated to Canada with her family. As an Elementary School Teacher who is passionate about Equity, Social Justice, and Human Rights in education, she enjoys teaching the younger generation to be global-minded citizens.
Discovering the world by connecting with others is an opportunity that we have today in our society today and she loves meeting new people! She is always learning while traveling to understand the inter-connectedness of this beautiful earth we live in! Nilmini LOVES cooking great meals, watching movies, and the latest fashion trends! Family and friends are close to her heart as she looks forward to balancing social media and navigating professional learning communities in education to network globally this year!