Social Distancing Brings Teachers Closer Together

Suzanne DaileyBlog, Connect Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better


  • A warm reminder of the network of educators you’ve built.
  • Positive encouragement to reach out to one another during this uncertain, scary time.

There are so many headlines in the news right now surrounding the coronavirus and its implications for our world, our homes, and our classrooms.  These headlines can be scary.  And overwhelming.  And cause such discomfort.  But I believe deep down, there is a headline that will soon surface:  Social Distancing Brings Teachers Closer Together.

At this time in the school year, it is pretty common to see us tunnel down, sometimes isolating ourselves from colleagues in order to get things done.  Petty comments or actions that may not have annoyed us in September could easily get a big old eye roll in March. In such a “people driven” vocation, we often feel the need to create some time and space with those around us by this time of year.

Now toss in endless COVID-19 communications and notifications.  We are preparing for something we’ve never experienced before.  This hurried, blind preparation is forcing us to collaborategenuinely collaborate – with our colleagues to be sure things will be OK for our students.  We want them to continue to learn and grow during this uncertain time.

This hurried, blind preparation is forcing us to collaborate – genuinely collaborate – with our colleagues to be sure things will be OK for our students. Share on X

We have been directed to remain socially distant from others in order to protect our health, and rightfully so.  But as we scramble to find ourselves discerning the next right thing for our students in a limited amount of time, we have found ourselves becoming closer than ever.

Preparing for a possible distance learning plan? Let’s collaborate with colleagues to share innovative ideas that can make that happen.

Looking for ways to have conversations with students to help them understand what’s happening? Let’s call someone who has expertise and learn some strategies.

Trying to figure out where to begin? Let’s connect with our PLNs and share ideas.

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Attempting to conserve your energy and sanity planning during such an unpredictable time? Let’s lean in with our people and envision how we will support one another.

This uncertain, overwhelming, scary time is such an opportunity to dig down deep and connect with one another in efforts make things better for teachers and students.

Wash your hands.

Reach out to each other.

Point to the people who are helping you.


Here’s to distance bringing us closer together.


Suzanne Dailey is proud member of the Teach Better Family! She is an instructional coach in the Central Bucks School District where she has the honor and joy of working with elementary teachers and students in 15 buildings. Suzanne is Nationally Board Certified, a Fellow of the National Writing Project, and has a Masters Degree in Reading. She is dedicated to nurturing and developing the whole child and teacher. Suzanne lives in Doylestown, Pennsylvania with her husband and two children.