- Mind your own business to keep a positive heart space and headspace.
- Consider whether something is your business, someone else’s, or the universe’s. After you discern that, you can discern the next right thing.
Do you find yourself stuck in the land of what-ifs? Or is there a certain person or situation that continues to take up a significant part of your heart space or headspace? If so, ask yourself: whose business is this?
Here’s a little story to illustrate. The other day I was chatting with a colleague who was feeling frustrated. There is a group of colleagues in her school who always try to one-up each other in terms of what they do with their students. All of this one-upping was really getting to my friend. As we talked, I could tell that her mind and heart were becoming filled with insecure thoughts. This was so disheartening because she is an AMAZING teacher. She later asked, “What if it looks like I am not doing all that I can? What if people don’t think I am a good teacher? Or what if people think I’m lazy?”
What I wanted to say was, “Are you kidding me? You are an incredible teacher! How in the world would you ever let anyone get you to question that?!”
But instead, I asked my friend, “Whose business is this?”
Is it YOURS?
Or does it belong to the UNIVERSE?
Is it your business that they are achieving the Pinterest-perfect classroom? Nope. It’s THEIRS.
Is it your business they are showing how fabulous they are on Twitter? Nope again. That’s THEIR business.
Other people thinking you are lazy? You’ve got it…that’s not your business either.
Her shoulders came down and her face softened. Yes. That’s it. This actually doesn’t have anything to do with me!
The reality is we are still living in a world with countless unknowns and uncertainties that we cannot control. But the good news is we don’t have to allow the business of others to take up room in our head or heart. Share on XMind Your Business to Protect Your Head & Heart
Waiting for district/state administration to make the next decision during this global pandemic? THEIR business.
Asking if your child feels supported during this topsy-turvy year? That’s YOURS.
Worrying about how many vaccinations are available and who will get them? THEIR business.
Wondering if another global pandemic will reach our planet again? UNIVERSE.
Still thinking about those missing holiday packages that still haven’t arrived? THEIRS.
Problem-solving how to keep you and your family healthy, both physically and emotionally? YOURS.
Worried that a colleague feels left out? YOUR BUSINESS.
But are you worried that that colleague is jealous of something you did or have? That’s THEIRS!
See how this works? If we take a bit of time to really sift through the situation, we can see what can be impacted by our time and energy…and more importantly, what can’t be impacted by our time and energy.
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Mind Your Own Business!
The reality is we are still living in a world with countless unknowns and uncertainties that we cannot control. But the good news is we don’t have to allow the business of others to take up room in our head or heart. We can quiet the noise by asking ourselves, whose business is it? Mine, theirs, or the universe? After we discern that, we can discern our next right thing.
Here’s to minding our own business!
Small Shifts, Big Gifts! When you feel overwhelmed by things, try to protect your headspace and heart space by asking, whose business is this? If it belongs to the universe or if it’s “theirs,” don’t let it consume you. But, if it is in fact your business, then it’s worth investing your time and energy.
Suzanne Dailey is a proud member of the Teach Better Family! She is an instructional coach in the Central Bucks School District where she has the honor and joy of working with elementary teachers and students in 15 buildings. Suzanne is Nationally Board Certified, a Fellow of the National Writing Project, and has a master’s degree in Reading. She is dedicated to nurturing and developing the whole child and teacher. Suzanne lives in Doylestown, Pennsylvania with her husband and two children.