Legacy of Equality and Justice

Suzanne RogersBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better


  • This post emphasizes the importance of honoring Martin Luther King Jr. beyond just the designated holiday, stressing the need to recognize his legacy of equality and justice all year long.
  • Educate and inspire students about the values of justice, equality, and peaceful activism.
  • Age-appropriate resources for teachers to introduce and delve deeper into Dr. King’s life, accomplishments, and the enduring impact of his dream for a united and equal society.

Honoring Marth Luther King Jr. All Year Long

Let’s honor a legacy of equality and justice. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is not just a day off from school. It’s an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the legacy of equality and justice and the incredible contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a man whose tireless efforts transformed the nation’s perspective on race and equality. In schools, observing this day is more than just a commemoration. It’s a chance to educate and inspire the next generation about the importance of justice, equality, and the power of peaceful activism.

The Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. left an indelible legacy in history, reminding us that we are equal regardless of our skin color, beliefs, and backgrounds. His legacy is a beacon of inspiration, and celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day in schools is essential to keep his memory alive.

Resources for Lower Elementary Students

Introducing Dr. King’s legacy can be done through engaging and age-appropriate resources for K-2 teachers. Sesame Street offers a beautiful video introducing Dr. King, making it accessible and engaging for younger students. This resource helps lay the foundation for understanding the importance of equality and justice in a way that resonates with their developmental stage.

Resources for Upper Elementary and Middle School Students

As students progress through their education, it becomes crucial to delve deeper into the life and achievements of Dr. King. A five-minute description from Biography is an excellent resource for 3rd-8th teachers. This video can provide a more comprehensive overview of Dr. King’s impactful life, including his role in the Civil Rights Movement and significant contributions to dismantling segregation.

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Martin Luther King Jr.’s Accomplishments

To help teachers share the magnitude of Dr. King’s accomplishments, here are a few key highlights that can be discussed with students:

  • Graduated from Booker T. Washington High School at age 15
  • Formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to fight segregation
  • Led a Freedom Walk in 1963 with 125,000 people
  • Faced jail numerous times for peaceful protesting, sit-ins, and boycotts
  • Delivered his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech in Washington, D.C.
  • Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10, 1964

Incorporating Martin Luther King Day into the school curriculum is an investment in fostering a more inclusive and compassionate society. Teachers can use age-appropriate resources to impart Dr. King’s legacy to students. This encourages them to reflect on the values of equality, justice and the impact of peaceful activism. Let us honor Dr. King’s memory by ensuring that his dream of a united and equal society lives on in the hearts and minds of the next generation.

About Suzanne Rogers

Suzanne M. Rogers is an accomplished, passionate, technology-inspired educator, experienced conference presenter, and yoga enthusiast. She is the Assistant Director of Public Relations at LISA Academy Public Charter Schools. In addition to her 20 years of work in education, Suzanne also serves on the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts Educator Advisory Board, the UCA Executive Advisory Board, the UCA MAT Program Advisory Board, and the SAU ERZ Advisory.

Suzanne’s passion for education and her community is evident in her involvement in these organizations, where she works tirelessly to support students and educators. As an #ArmyMom and former #AFbrat, Suzanne brings a unique perspective to her work, understanding firsthand the sacrifices made by military families. Suzanne exemplifies dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence.