Inspired Daily by Teachers Today

Michael EarnshawBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better


  • Teachers make a difference in lives and can change lives for the better.
  • Mike shares his personal story about how he is inspired daily by teachers and explains why.
  • Teachers are recognized for being resilient and for working together to support each other.

As educators, we are constantly asked the question, “What teacher inspired you the most?” Or something of that like. It’s a great question honestly. Many of us in the game would not be here if it wasn’t for that influential teacher, the one that saw past any flaws we had. That teacher that took the time to know us, as an individual, to help us through our struggles, to let us know that growing up is hard and that they went through similar situations as us as well. If it wasn’t for that teacher who made a difference in our lives, we would never have known the impact we can make as one. 

I have my list of educators that have helped to change my life for the better. I’m sure you all do as well. I am grateful for all of them, because without them seeing me, Michael Earnshaw, I wouldn’t be here today writing a blog for Teach Better about Teacher Appreciation Week. But those teachers I hold a special place for in my heart is not what this blog is about. It’s about a much more inspiring group of educators. A group that inspires me daily, even if they do not know it. 

Today’s teachers are the most inspiring I have ever come across. I learn more from them every day, which helps me to not only become a better leader but a better human. Share on X

My Story

If you follow me on social media or have listened to our Punk Rock Classrooms Podcast, you are familiar with my story. I taught middle school ELA for 14 years and served as a middle school assistant principal for two years. Then I became an elementary principal where I have spent the last seven years. You also know that after three years as a building principal I was seriously considering leaving the profession of education. I began dreading going to school each day. I felt disconnected from our students and couldn’t imagine another 30 years of this. It was then that I became comfortable leading the only way I knew best, by being myself. 

It wasn’t just the wearing of jeans multiple times throughout the week, skateboarding through our halls, or spending every minute I could in classrooms learning alongside our students that has positively changed my outlook on education. They all have played a major role, but it’s our teachers that keep me coming back. Not just the teachers on my campus I work side by side with daily, but every teacher out there. Those that choose to share their stories on social media and those that stay quiet. 

Inspired Daily by Teachers: Changing Lives

Today’s teachers inspire me daily. They are resilient. They are resourceful. They’re brave. They are driven. They’re changing our world for the better. 

I am inspired when I see a teacher scrap their lesson plans to focus on a teachable moment with their class. I’m inspired when I see a teacher in the hallway with an upset student, getting down on their level to help guide them through whatever they are struggling with. I am inspired by teachers no longer keeping their door closed and hiding their best-kept secrets from colleagues. These teachers know that we are all in this together, to make a difference in students’ lives, regardless of which continent we currently reside on. 

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Inspired Daily by Teachers: Teacher Resilience

Take a look at this past year! Teachers were given the insurmountable task of figuring out how to reach our students virtually, asynchronously, synchronously, socially distanced, all while unforgettable events plagued our world. Our teachers did not give up, they never once threw their hands up in defeat. Instead, our teachers rallied together, carried each other when it was needed, and overcame every mountain that was put in their path. Our teachers knew that our students needed them more than ever, and it had nothing to do with curriculum or standards. 

Today’s teachers are the most inspiring I have ever come across. I learn more from them every day, which helps me to not only become a better leader but a better human. I want every teacher reading this to know that I see you, I notice you, and I applaud you for all you do. You may not see the difference you are making in others’ lives right now, but know that I am one life that has been changed by all of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 

See the full blog series here!

About Mike Earnshaw

Michael Earnshaw is a father, husband, and elementary school principal. He is the author of The EduCulture Cookbook: Recipes and Dishes to Positively Transform School and Classroom Culture with EduMatch Publishing and co-host of the Punk Rock Classrooms Podcast. Michael strives to empower others to know they can change the world by fostering positive, trusting relationships and modeling risk-taking himself. When he’s not helping others and changing lives you can find him skateboarding, running, or sharing laughs with others.