ClasStars: The tech tool you will want to use next year!

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Manage Better


  • How often do you track student interactions, when they leave the classroom, and days absent?
  • ClasStars is a free tech tool that can produce daily reports to track interactions, how often students leave the classroom and for how long, and days absent.
  • The data collected about our individual interactions with students can help us focus on the positive and build relationships to impact students’ willingness to work and learn.

How often do you interact with each student in your classroom?  More specifically, how often do you have a positive interaction with each student?  A negative interaction?  How often do your students leave class and how long are they gone for?  How many days are they absent?

The more we know about our individual interactions with students, the more we can focus on the positive and building relationships. Share on X

ClasStars: Tech Tool That Tracks Interactions

Let’s start with positive and negative interactions.  Relationships are the core of my classroom.  Building relationships takes time, but the better the relationship, the more the student wants to learn from you.  We build relationships through conversations.  The more positive interactions we have with students the more our students are going to want to work for us. 

At the end of each class period, I could not tell you how many times I have interacted with each student and what type of interactions those were.  Of course, my daily goal is to interact with each student. I try to make them as positive as I can, but that isn’t always the case.  ClasStars has allowed me to track these interactions and specifically see when, how, and why I am engaging with each student.  It is such an easy swipe up or swipe down for a quick positive or negative interaction, with the ability to be much more specific and detailed if you want.

ClasStars: Tech Tool That Tracks Patterns

Do you have a student that leaves class often?  Maybe they leave around the same time each day?  ClasStars allowed me to track each time my student left the room, for what reason, and for how long.  At the end of the week, I was able to break down my students’ movements outside of the classroom to gauge if there is a pattern to their behavior.  

With ClasStars I was also able to input attendance and a seating chart to make it incredibly easy to use as I moved around the classroom engaging with my students.  I can create reports each day that detail the movement, attendance, engagement, and correct answers given by each student.  

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Master your classroom management with this online course.

ClasStars: A Free Tech Tool!

ClasStars does it all! And it’s FREE!  This is a tool for every teacher in every grade level.  The more we know about our individual interactions with students, the more we can focus on the positive and building relationships.  When we do that, we will see a change in their willingness to work and their willingness to learn.

About Meghan Deegan

Meghan Deegan is a 7th grade math teacher in the Chicago suburbs and the Lead Ambassador for the Teach Better Team. She has a Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction and is a Nationally Board Certified Teacher. She loves working with and connecting with fellow educators and is active on Twitter and Instagram.

Meghan loves spending time with her two dogs, boyfriend, family, and friends!