5 Tips to Keep Kids Learning This Summer

Suzanne RogersBlog, Engage Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better


  • The “summer slide” may be more myth than reality, with mixed research on summer learning loss.
  • Summer offers opportunities for students, especially post-pandemic, to catch up and get back on track.
  • Engage kids with fun learning activities, reading, nature exploration, summer programs, and routines to keep their minds active.

Summer is almost here. School is winding down, and students are looking forward to a break. But what about their learning? You’ve probably heard about the “summer slide.” It’s the idea that kids lose knowledge over summer break. However, the truth might surprise you. The summer slide may be more of a myth than reality.

The Summer Slide: Fact or Fiction?

Researchers have mixed opinions about the summer slide. Some studies suggest that kids lose a little math and reading knowledge over the break, while others show this isn’t always the case. So, should you worry? Not really. While kids might not gain much during the summer, they don’t always lose what they’ve learned.

Summer as a Chance to Catch Up

Instead of worrying about learning loss, let’s focus on opportunity. Summer is a great time for kids to catch up. This is especially true after the pandemic, which caused many disruptions. For students who struggled during remote learning, summer offers a chance to get back on track.

Instead of worrying about learning loss, let's focus on opportunity. Summer is a great time for kids to catch up. Share on X

5 Tips to Keep Kids Learning

So, what can teachers and parents do to help students prepare for summer break? Here are a few tips to keep kids engaged and learning during the hot months ahead.

1. Make Learning Fun

Kids are more likely to stay engaged if learning is fun. Try games that involve math or reading. You can also encourage kids to explore topics they find interesting. When learning feels like play, kids are more willing to participate. Try Thirteen PBS Let’s Learn.

2. Encourage Reading

Reading is a simple way to keep kids’ minds active. Encourage students to find books they enjoy. Libraries often have summer reading programs with fun incentives. Consider starting a book club for your students, even virtual ones.

3. Explore Nature

Summer is a perfect time to explore the outdoors. Nature walks can be educational. Talk about the plants, animals, and ecosystems in your area. It’s a great way to combine physical activity with learning.

4. Support Summer Programs

Many communities offer summer learning programs. These programs often focus on hands-on activities. Look for programs that match your students’ interests. They can be an excellent way for kids to socialize and learn simultaneously.

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5. Keep a Routine

Kids do well with routines. While it’s summer, keeping a basic schedule helps. Set aside time for reading, learning activities, and free play. A routine can make the transition back to school in the fall easier.

Final Thoughts

Summer doesn’t have to mean a break from learning. While the summer slide might not be a big concern, it’s always good to encourage kids to stay active mentally. Use the tips above to prepare your students for a fun and educational summer. By keeping learning part of their summer, you can help them hit the ground running when school starts again.

About Suzanne Rogers

Suzanne M. Rogers is an accomplished, passionate, technology-inspired educator, experienced conference presenter, and yoga enthusiast. She is the Assistant Director of Public Relations at LISA Academy Public Charter Schools. In addition to her 20 years of work in education, Suzanne also serves on the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts Educator Advisory Board, the UCA Executive Advisory Board, the UCA MAT Program Advisory Board, and the SAU ERZ Advisory.

Suzanne’s passion for education and her community is evident in her involvement in these organizations, where she works tirelessly to support students and educators. As an #ArmyMom and former #AFbrat, Suzanne brings a unique perspective to her work, understanding firsthand the sacrifices made by military families. Suzanne exemplifies dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence.