Growing Through the Grind: Featuring Dr. Joseph Jones and Dr. T.J. Vari

Joshua StamperAspire Podcast

Dr. Joseph Jones, Dr. TJ Vari, Joshua Stamper, Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast, Teach Better

Low teacher retention rates in schools negatively impact student achievement for all the students in a school, not just those in a new teacher’s classroom. This week’s guest, Dr. Joseph Jones and Dr. T.J. Vari, give precise strategies for motivating, inspiring, and energizing a staff. 

Check out Dr. Joseph Jones and Dr. T.J. Vari as they give precise strategies for motivating, inspiring, and energizing a staff on the Aspire podcast! Share on X

In this episode, we also discuss:

  • Leadership Qualities Needed in an Evolving Education Model
  • Teacher Retention Strategies
  • And their book, Candid and Compassionate Feedback: Transforming Everyday Practice in Schools

About Dr. Joseph Jones:

Dr. Joseph Jones is the Superintendent of Schools in the New Castle County Vocational-Technical School District. He is the co-author of Candid and Compassionate Feedback: Transforming Everyday Practice in Schools. Joe is a former high school teacher, assistant principal and principal. As principal, he was named the Delaware Secondary Principal of the Year and during his tenure, Delcastle Technical High School was the first high school to receive the state’s Outstanding Academic Achievement Award. Joe received his doctorate from the University of Delaware in educational leadership. He is also an adjunct professor at both the undergraduate and graduate levels for various universities. 

About T.J. Vari:

Dr. T.J. Vari is the Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools and District Operations in the Appoquinimink School District. He is the co-author of Candid and Compassionate Feedback: Transforming Everyday Practice in Schools. T.J. is a former middle school assistant principal and principal and former high school English teacher. His master’s degree is in School Leadership and his doctorate is in Innovation and Leadership. He holds several honors and distinctions, including his past appointment as President of the Delaware Association for School Administrators and the Paul Carlson Administrator of the Year Award, which he accepted in 2015. He holds adjunct appointments at three universities, teaching courses at the masters and doctoral level. 

Together they present nationally on topics of school leadership, and they co-founded TheSchoolHouse302, which is a leadership development institute. They co-authored Candid and Compassionate Feedback: Transforming Everyday Practice in Schools. And, with Salome Thomas-EL they co-authored Passionate Leadership: Creating a Culture of Success in Every School, Building a Winning Team: The Power of a Magnetic Reputation and the Need to Recruit Top Talent in Every School, and Retention for a Change: Motivate, Inspire, and Energize Your School Culture.

Follow Dr. Joseph Jones:


Twitter: @supt_Jones



Follow T.J. Vari:


Twitter: @tjvari 



Additional Content Discussed in the Podcast Episode:

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