17 year veteran educator, and podcast host, Traci Browder, chats with us about mentoring others, the power of believing in our students, and helping teachers fall in love with teaching again.
'If you believe they can, they will.' - @TraciBrowder from episode 179 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XTraci’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Google everything.
- Book:
- Who to Follow on Instagram:
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Ted.com and TedxTalks – YouTube
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Rest. Read. Recharge. Quiet Time. Hustle. Work Hard. Give Back.
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: “Bring others along with you.”
Links to Connect With Traci
- Website: TraciBrowder.com
- Twitter: @TraciBrowder, @intelligogy, @EduNeverDies
- Facebook Page: Intelligogy The Podcast, Traci Browder, M.Ed.
- Instagram: @TraciBrowder
- YouTube: Operation Teacher Relief, SchoolRubric
- Others: