Adam Renard chats with us about bringing others with you on the adventure, finding the fun in your content, and creating experiences kids love.
Adam shares how to make things more fun, the power of relationships, and why love is a choice.
'I never really thought about the repercussions of not bringing other people with you.' - @Renard_Teach from episode 126 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #Teachbetter Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 1:52 – Chatting about Rae going to the AIMS Network Institute.
- 6:53 – Previewing the episode with Adam Renard.
- 9:12 – Adam introduces himself.
- 11:10 – Adam’s failure: Not recognizing how his relationship with other people is reflected in his classroom.
- 15:55 – Adam’s success: Working a superhero theme into a unit. Truly gamifying a unit and having the kids love it.
- 24:05 – Adam’s advice for teachers: Look at every piece of content you have, and don’t be afraid to make it look completely different.
- 25:50 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 29:30 – How to connect with Adam.
Adam’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Peardeck
- Book: “Play Like A Pirate” by Quinn Rollins.
- Who to Follow on Instagram: @staceyreeder, @Meghan_Lawson , @Doidlife518
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Gamably
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Look at your lessons, find the weakest piece, and figure out how you can shift it.
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: Love is a choice.
Links to Connect With Adam
- Website:
- Twitter: @Renard_Teach