The Excitement in a Student’s Eye

Bridget GenglerBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: Empowering students allows them to be leaders. It provides opportunities for them to be creative and innovative. Creating a safe space where students feel respected and heard is important in creating this environment. Providing opportunities for students to share, listen to others’ perspectives, lead, create, and follow their own interests empowers students. Empowerment Empowerment is defined as the process … Read More

Student Empowered Conferences

Livia ChanBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Students feel empowered as they share their goals, learning, and growth in all different areas of the curriculum. You can include voice and choice in student-led conferences. Being intentional about what you do before, during, and after conferences leads to finding success in the goals for the conferences. A link to resources can be found below for a notice … Read More