Episode #235: Erin Healey

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast

Erin Healey is a dedicated and passionate advocate for education. After teaching in the secondary classroom for five years, Erin’s constant determination to seek out best practices and lead with vision led her to a Master’s in Educational Psychology with a concentration in Education Technology, and a leadership role as an Instructional Systems Coach at Portsmouth High School.  Erin currently continues … Read More

Five Keys For Elite Performance with Dom Brightmon

Jerod Phillips Sr.Blog, The Squad Builder Podcast

In this episode, I’m joined by Dom Brightmon. We jump into his 5 keys for elite performance and his work with his podcast, Going North. Follow Dr. Phillips on Twitter at @japhillips0722 and Instagram at drjaphillips0722. You can find Dom Brightmon and all his contact information at https://www.dombrightmon.com. Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/92elm/ooze; License code: K9P90BR2TLXEJTEK MORE EPISODES

Episode 3.8 with Bradley Lands: Teach our kids to be knowledge-ABLE!!

Ryan ScottThe Big ED Idea Podcast

Bradley Lands is the author of the book Knowledge-ABLE, owner of UpLearn LLC, the Director of Technology and Innovation at The Langley School, a Google Certified Innovator, a Google Certified Trainer, an Apple Distinguished Educator, and a National Board Certified Teacher. You can reach Bradley on Twitter @mrlands or his website www.uplearnllc.com ! MORE EPISODES

But They Won’t Do It if I Don’t Grade It

Mike SzczepanikBlog, Engage Better, Grade Better, Lesson Plan Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Change is hard. Assignment completion is a concern for some if there are no grades. Numerous factors affect student motivation. Not all students are motivated by grades. The carrot-and-stick motivational technique worked for the industrial revolution. Previously, I had discussed my reasons for breaking free from grades. While there are many benefits to going gradeless, there are also some … Read More