47: Being Coachable – Steve Diveley chats with us about his work with the AIMS Network, how we can question ourselves for the purpose of improvement, and the importance of being coachable.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode 47 of the Teach Better Talk podcast.

Junior high principal, and AIMS Network President, Steve Diveley, talks with us about finding positive people to be your lifeline and asking for help when you need it. Steve chats with us about his work with the AIMS Network, how we can question ourselves for the purpose of improvement, and the importance of being coachable. Episode Highlights 3:05 – Steve … Read More

46: Be Open – Monica Burns chats with us about the importance of having a community and conversations

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode 46 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast with Monica Burns

Educator, author, and national speaker, Monica Burns, talks with us about focusing on thoughtful, strategic tech integration, and how sometimes a barrier just looks like a barrier. Monica chats with us about the importance of having a community and having conversations, and why you should eat lunch with everyone. Episode Highlights 2:30 – Monica introduces herself. 3:19 – Let’s talk about … Read More

39: The S.H.G. Principle – Chip Baker talks about leaving a positive impact on the world.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode 39 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast

20+ year veteran teacher, and host of “The Success Chronicles” on YouTube, Chip Baker, chats with us about being a 4th generation educator, wanting to do his part in creating a positive ripple in the world, and how we can maximize our students’ potential every day. Chip shares stories from his time playing DII college football, why he started “The … Read More

Give Students a Voice and Teach Them to Build a Better World

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better

Give students a voice and teach them to build a better world

In this post: We are crafting the future leaders of our world, what do we need them to be able to do? If we’re not asking our students what they need, we’re missing opportunities to be better. Feedback can be scary, but it can also be incredibly valuable. You can’t put every suggestion into practice, but you can listen, learn, … Read More

38: EduMagic – A chat with Sam Fecich and some amazing pre-service teachers.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode 38 of Teach Better Talk podcast

 Professor Sam Fecich and an amazing group of pre-service teachers chat with us about why they got into teaching, what’s got them excited about the field, and how they hope to impact lives. These future teachers share the best advice they’ve received, what they’ve learned from their mentors, and what they are focused on in their journey. Episode Highlights … Read More