72: Master The Purpose – Michael Cohen chats with us about teaching students how to create, helping them to struggle, and guiding them to build out creative solutions.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode 72 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast with The Tech Rabbi Michael Cohen

The Tech Rabbi, Michael Cohen, chats with us about teaching students how to create, helping them to struggle, and guiding them to build out creative solutions. Michael talks about instilling entrepreneurial thinking so that our students can be proficient in how to create things, why teachers need to be curious, and why you should focus on mastering the purpose rather … Read More

How Social Media Has Impacted My Career

Rae HughartBlog, Innovate Better, Tech Better, Video(s)


Can social media have a positive impact on your career?  About Rae Hughart Rae Hughart is a Middle-Level Math and Writing Educator in Illinois and the Director of Training and Development for Progressive Mastery Learning, LLC. In 2017, Rae was honored with the Illinois State University Outstanding Young Alumni Award – inducting her into the University Hall of Fame. … Read More

The Missing Piece in Your Classroom Management Plan

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Manage Better

The Missing Piece in Your Classroom Management Plan

In This Post: Many teachers, when they hear the term “classroom management,” think of things like rules, procedures, behavior, or tricks they’ve learned over the years. There is one component that is oddly overlooked. When you work WITH students, instead of against them, the entire equation changes. Define roles and expectations for both you and your students, talk about why … Read More

62: Improvise, adapt, and overcome – Seamus O’Hara talks about never being satisfied, not being afraid to fail, and how we can be better.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode 62 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast with Seamus O'Hara

 14 year veteran teacher, and host of the EdPop Podcast, Seamus O’Hara, chats with us about his unique podcast format, why he believes we get stuck in being afraid to change, and the power of appreciation. Seamus talks about never being satisfied, not being afraid to fail, and how we can be better. Episode Highlights 0:32 – Shoutout to … Read More

Classroom Management 101

Rae HughartBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better

In this Post : Explore the two pillars of Classroom Management 101 : Climate / Culture & Movement Tactical approaches to begin implementing new strategies to set the tone for your classroom Exploring how movement can influence students ability to focus and accomplish tasks with ease. Classroom management is a never-ending strategy to reach your students better! Let’s explore the … Read More