5 Benefits of EdCamp Professional Development

Whitney ChoateBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better

In This Post: An overview of professional development designed to empower educators: EdCamps! The four major benefits of EdCamp professional development. So much is changing in the way that we teach in our classrooms. Teachers are facilitators of learning rather than providing direct instruction all day, every day. Students are encouraged to follow their passions and learn other content and … Read More

Podcasts for Professional Development

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Tech Better

In This Post: Podcasts as convenient and timely professional development. Personalized your learning with podcasts. Ways to grow as an educator by listening to podcasts. Professional development for educators can take many forms. It can be a conference, an EdCamp, a Twitter chat, and even… a podcast. Effective professional development ignites educators. It sparks their passion for this profession. We … Read More

123: Personal and Authentic. – Thomas C Murray chats with us about being personal and authentic, and designing learning experiences that impact a lifetime.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Director of Innovation for Future Ready Schools, Tom Murray, chats with us about being personal and authentic, and designing learning experiences that impact a lifetime. Tom shares how we can create an environment where people actually want to be, the importance of taking care yourself, and why you are a leader no matter what your title is. Episode Highlights 1:38 … Read More

Why Your District Should Stop Worrying About Missed Days

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Mastery Done Better

In This Post: The problem with time-based learning and why we should move away from it. A solution to make time more flexible and learning more important. How Mastery Learning can help you (and your school) make this shift & worry less about unplanned days off. Missed Days are Coming Depending on where you live (I live in the Northeast), … Read More

Reflecting on #TeachBetter19

Jeff GargasBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Teacherpreneur Better

In This Post: A reflection on the first and very successful #TeachBetter19 conference. Jeff’s personal highlights from putting on this incredible event. I’ve been seeing all these posts reflecting on the Teach Better Conference, #TeachBetter19. They’ve been enjoyable to read. No…I have reveled in them. They have reminded me again and again of what we were able to create. It’s … Read More