Educator Island

Jillian DuBoisBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Manage Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: There is a commonality to all reality shows: Each episode tries to promote success attached to future outcomes.  A new idea for an educator reality show: Educator Island where contestants would increase each others’ collective confidence, self-worth, and strength into a renewed hope to return back to the passion that once fueled their creativity and craft. Challenges should be … Read More

Supporting New Teachers

Donnetta NorrisBlog, Lead Better

TL;DR: Supporting new teachers is essential during this time when everyone feels like a new teacher. Some of the best support new teachers can get is from other teachers or team members. When I Was a New Teacher I have been teaching for 11 years. During my first year of teaching, I wanted to do everything perfectly. In fact, I … Read More

Educator Support Networks

Kelly PascarellaBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: Making connections with and learning from other educators helps lead to growth. Educator support systems are a fundamental part of growth. Make sure to ask for help or seek it out when you need it. As a full-time teacher, a mother of two boys and one more on the way, and a doctoral student preparing for the final defense … Read More

Confidence: The How and Why

Teach Better TeamBlog, Teach Happier

TL;DR: The pandemic has caused many veteran teachers to feel like they are experiencing their first year all over again. Confidence soars when you are prepared and when you surround yourself with people who create a safe space for you to take risks. Risk-taking and asking for help will lead to gaining the confidence you seek. We’ve all heard the phrase, “fake … Read More

The Standards of Our Schools

Taylor ArmstrongBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: The curriculum should be the product of our process and not the driver of it. Our students are the standards of our schools. We cannot begin to write a curriculum if we do not first know how to take care of those that it will impact the most. If you have been in education for more than 5 minutes, … Read More