Unlocking the Power of Your Ikigai

Teach Better TeamBlog, Lead Better, Self Care Better

In This Post: An introduction to ikigai, the Japanese notion of living your why. Steps to identify your ikigai. Self-reflection questions to ensure you find and maintain your ikigai. Long before Simon Sinek shared about the importance of “knowing your why”, the Japanese gave birth to a concept that encapsulated a power. This power unlocked the pursuit of the heart.  … Read More

Give Students a Voice and Teach Them to Build a Better World

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better

Give students a voice and teach them to build a better world

In this post: We are crafting the future leaders of our world, what do we need them to be able to do? If we’re not asking our students what they need, we’re missing opportunities to be better. Feedback can be scary, but it can also be incredibly valuable. You can’t put every suggestion into practice, but you can listen, learn, … Read More