The New Leader on Campus: Importance of Building Relationships

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: There are many ways to get to know your team as a new building leader: staff survey, meet and greet time, over lunch, and collaborative planning. Be visible, notice and name the great things you see by being specific in your language. Show appreciation by understanding the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. Building relationships with new staff can … Read More

Build Better Relationships: 3 Foundational Mindset Shifts

Livia ChanBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Relationships matter. Being connected is important for our overall happiness and well-being. There are foundational 3 mindset shifts that will help you build better relationships: (1) See relationships as gifts. (2) The relationship you have with yourself is also a gift. (3) Treat every interaction as an opportunity to improve your connection as building blocks. We can cultivate our … Read More

S.P.R.I.N.G. into Savoring Breaks

Livia ChanBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Manage Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Savor Breaks – Don’t just enjoy your breaks but truly savor them! Protect your time to take care of yourself by taking more breaks throughout your day. Relationship – Know yourself and ask, “Is this serving me?” Introspection – Dive into yourself, discover who you are, and how you best take care of yourself. Nurture – Cultivate love, joy, … Read More

The Road to the Principalship

Steven WeberBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: The road to the principalship involves the following five behaviors and demonstrated leadership skills developed over time with evidence of action: good leaders ask great questions, build relationships, stand out in the crowd, and are risk-takers and collaborative leaders. The words on the resume should match the leader’s actual work in schools.  Each spring, assistant principals begin applying for … Read More