S4:E1: Towards an Altruistic Effort to Elevate Students’ Confidence #TBPodcaster #TeachBetter | Wisdom & Productivity Summary: In this episode, I share concepts and ideas on how to gather forces towards an altruistic effort to elevate students’ confidence. I will begin by sharing a bit about my journey over the summer and why I took a brief break from podcasting. I … Read More
S3:E5: Interviewing Dr. Courtney Orzel (@drorzel) |Wisdom & Productivity| #TeachBetter
Today I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Courtney Orzel, a luminary. My favorite quote of the evening was: “Don’t let anyone #define your path for you” -@drorzel Listen to “S3:E5: Interviewing Dr. Courtney Orzel (@drorzel) |Wisdom & Productivity| #TeachBetter” by Wisdom and Productivity: The Podcast of An Imperfect Educator. ⚓ https://anchor.fm/emartinezedd/episodes/S3E5-Interviewing-Dr–Courtney-Orzel-drorzel-Wisdom–Productivity-TeachBetter-e1hlvnv http://tinyurl.com/WandPSpotify http://tinyurl.com/WandPApple <h1>MORE EPISODES</h1>
JagsWired: Lending a Voice
TL;DR: Students are looking for connection, peer validation, and a sense of belongingness. This post shares the inspiration behind the creation of a campus podcast. Students and staff are invited to share their voice and their stories. JagsWired: Lending a Voice When I tell people I am a middle school assistant principal I am given the same sad puppy dog … Read More
Episode 19 | Featuring Chey Cheney & Pav Wander
Chey Cheney is a middle school teacher with 20 years of experience, originally from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He currently teaches Grade 8 in Toronto, Ontario and engages in coaching and leadership work with students in the school beyond instructional time. Passionate about ELA, Chey’s teaching philosophy centers around student agency, student voice and a strong commitment to social justice. Chey … Read More
S1:E1: The Why of Wisdom and Productivity
This wisdom seeker starts a podcasting journey with a brief reflection on Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on what to do with the emotions that happens to us as leaders. MORE EPISODES